Scott Bramley

Pianist - Singer - Composer - Arranger


Little Fiend - Claire Clairmont & Lord Byron's Scandalous Year Without A Summer

by Scott Bramley & Sam Williams

It’s 1816, ‘the year without a summer’, and Claire Clairmont is in hot pursuit of Lord Byron, the most famous poet of the age. Driven by a desire for fame, can she navigate her way between ambition and desire?

Accompanied by her sister, Mary Shelley, and the poet, Percy Shelley, they find Byron holed up in a villa on the shores of Lake Geneva, in self imposed exile having fled England under a cloud of scandal. With him is his personal physician, Dr John Polidori, himself a budding writer, desparate to ingratiate himself to the poet.

Confined to the Villa Diodati by constant storms, Byron challenges them all to write a ghost story of their own, with the first literary seeds of Frankenstein and Dracula (The Vampyre) emerging.

And so the complex and unstable relationships of this notorious group of travellers unfold. Claire's own ambitions grow but she’s soon to discover that associations with fame come with a price.

Recording Cast
Claire Clairmont - Fran Leak
Lord Byron - Ryan Downey
Mary Shelley - Anya Williams
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Adam Redford
Dr John Polidori - Kian Zomorodian

Piano/Organ - Scott Bramley
Bass - Dave Storer (Fantasmagoriana, Unfinished Diary, What Is A Man To Do, and Monsters)
Drums - Dave Longman
Guitar - Adam Walker

Mix & Mastering
Paul Grady - Fantasmagoriana, Unfinished Diary, What Is A Man To Do, & Monsters
Scott Bramley - Fragment & Creation